
Aerial Yoga Hammocks (14 Items)

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Kristofer Trueb… 24-11-21 13:37 view21 Comment0


For God's ultimate Secrets are eternally sealed and protected in Veils that repel all lower states of fear, tyranny and greed consciousness. The need to accumulate incredible sums of money to fund these projects has resulted in a loss of trust, a proliferation of the worst kind of greed and malfeasance in economics, and perhaps the breakdown of western civilization itself. I do feel these secret black projects that were formed to build useless weapons to defend earth from these entities, have had unintended consequences and caused real pain, confusion and suffering to the very humans I hope they were initially meant to protect. Keep in mind that everything is a temporal illusory hologram and no world is any more 'real' than another. Only Oneness is REAL. Obviously these are not all beings of the highest consciousness, but they are a part of Oneness nevertheless and we have moved out of the golden era and the collective understanding and memory of our Oneness. Everything is not only your country in which you are existing. I do not believe that the ETs are all evil, neither are they all good. These worlds are light from within, meaning their reality does not consist of reflected light, as does our solid five-sense material world.

As we move through the Cycles of Time, these beings that are invisible to our current five-sense perception play their part in holding us in the illusion that becomes more powerful, solid and dense as time moves through out the cycles leading up to the Twilight of the Kali Yuga - now. I suggest that many of these entities are the so-called extraterrestrials and are from lower Loka Worlds. By these occult, a term that simply means hidden, means these entities thus generated an abundant energy source that has been used to build the so-called astral worlds and enhance the splendor of the Phantasmal Hierarchies. By exploiting the use of ritual, the manipulative tyrant beings pass themselves off as gods and trick us humans into worshipping them and giving them our energy. In other cases, a free drink comes with the yoga class pass and usually happens when the yoga class happens in a bar or a coffee shop. How can I hang up an Aerial Yoga Hammock safely, what do I have to pay attention to?

Verdict: If you don’t have space in your home for a full frame to hang your trapeze swing from, this hardware kit is a great alternative. This One God-within you, that simultaneously pervades and permeates the entire universe, is waiting patiently to Love you and be Loved by you in sweet moments of Return Home. If you're self-conscious you can also just bust your moves at home. Rituals can be very beautiful and can unite us in feeling, What is aerial yoga giving us an opportunity to express our Love for the Supreme Being. Rene Guenon concludes his reflections on the Spiritual Hierarchies by saying that the being who has achieved Liberation in life, jivan mukta, becomes essentially unconditioned, since all conditions exist for him in their illusory mode and have not effect on his consciousness, which is joined in God-Consciousness. I myself have many of these, but from my own experience I realize how easy it is to project my feelings into these images and then over time forget that they are only stone, wood and metal.

The nature of the Golden Age, the Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth, is that we all Remember who we are, we know that we are Oneness, and thus there is no reason to worship anything or anyone. What is to be done then afterwards, when you know what actually universe is? We need not concern ourselves that any group will ever be able to master a technology that could disturb the Creator's Divine Plan, the warp and weave of this universe. By this we understand that this universe is indeed inhabited by many beings in many worlds. The beings involved projected an assortment of hierarchical worlds related to the specific frequencies generated by their thoughts. I have named these worlds the Phantasmal Hierarchies from the word phantasm, which according to the Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1974, means a spectre. M. Monier-Williams Sanskrit to English Dictionary, Vol.


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