
Glossary of Cue Sports Terms

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Patti 24-08-19 23:59 view31 Comment0


For a deeper exploration of the rules and potential penalties in pool, you may also want to read 8-Ball Pool Rules: The Simple Version, or learn what happens if you hit your opponent’s ball in. Answers vary from the simple - "To win. A semicircle of radius 11.5 inches, called the "D", is drawn behind this line, centred on the middle of the line. At one end of the table (the "baulk end" ) is the so-called baulk line, which is 29 inches from the baulk end cushion. You will never see a slate bed table that is portable. If there is no room this side of the spot, it will be placed as close to the spot as possible in a straight line towards the bottom cushion, without touching another ball. If you own a pool table, you want to create the best playing experience possible for you and your guests. If there is no available spot, it is placed as close to its own spot as possible in a direct line between that spot and the top (black end) cushion, without touching another ball. Further up the table is the pink ball, which sits midway between the blue spot and the top cushion, followed by the red balls (one each), placed in a tightly-packed triangle behind the pink.

Adolph Noé developed a method of peeling coal balls using nitrocellulose. The overarching consequence is that the nitrocellulose is soluble in organic solvents such as acetone and esters; e.g., ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, ethyl carbonate. Pressure was applied to the liquid in the cylinder, which resulted in a uniform compression on the nitrocellulose mass, compressing it into a uniform sphere as the heat vaporized the solvents. In 1855, the first human-made plastic, nitrocellulose (branded Parkesine, patented in 1862), was created by Alexander Parkes from cellulose treated with nitric acid and a solvent. The glucose repeat unit (anhydroglucose) within the cellulose chain has three OH groups, each of which can form a nitrate ester. In the form of collodion it was also a critical component in an early photographic emulsion, the use of which revolutionized photography in the 1860s. In the 20th century it was adapted to automobile lacquer and adhesives. Nitrocellulose (also known as cellulose nitrate, flash paper, flash cotton, guncotton, pyroxylin and flash string, depending on form) is a highly flammable compound formed by nitrating cellulose through exposure to a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. In 2014, the Philae comet lander failed to deploy its harpoons because its 0.3 grams of nitrocellulose propulsion charges failed to fire during the landing.

Nitrocellulose is soluble in a mixture of ethanol and ether until nitrogen concentration exceeds 12%. Soluble nitrocellulose, or a solution thereof, is sometimes called collodion. Unwashed nitrocellulose (sometimes called pyrocellulose) may spontaneously ignite and explode at room temperature, as the evaporation of water results in the concentration of unreacted acid. Radon tests for alpha track etches use nitrocellulose. Players may use up to twenty separate cues providing different performance functions. It remained in almost exclusive use in all film gauges until the 1980s, when polyester/PET film began to supersede it for intermediate and release printing. The patent rights for the manufacture of guncotton were obtained by John Hall & Son in 1846, and industrial manufacture of the explosive began at a purpose-built factory at Marsh Works in Faversham, Kent, a year later. In combination with breech-loading artillery, such high explosive shells could cause greater damage than previous solid cannonballs. Yes, the sound of a solid crack from a good break in billiards is the sound of a good fifteen to twenty minutes of fun getting started. Is The Cue Ball Of The Same Size As The Other Billiards Balls? If anyone with proper billiards skills wants to contribute this let me know.

In 1832 Henri Braconnot discovered that nitric acid, when combined with starch or wood fibers, would produce a lightweight combustible explosive material, which he named xyloïdine. Guncotton, dissolved at about 25% in acetone, forms a lacquer used in preliminary stages of wood finishing to develop a hard finish with a deep lustre. In all forms of croquet, individual players or teams take turns to strike the balls, scoring points by striking them through a hoop. Nor should other lights in the room be too bright, as that can be distracting for players. Space isn’t just about fitting the table itself - you’ll need extra room for movement and accessories. What’s the Worst Color for Pool Table Felt? If you really want to be official about your pool table light size and setup, you can look at the WPA equipment specifications. After all, it’s covered in cloth (or felt, as some call it), so you can’t get a good look at it. Normally, it’s quite accurate.

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