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Sol 24-09-12 17:47 view17 Comment0


Thus even the "chemical" contaminants interact electrically and via potential (multiwave) interferometry with the H-bonding potential. In any case, the total sustained interaction of chemical and physical contaminants and EM fields and radiation can result in a sustained oxygen-deprivation (hypoxia) condition for the body cells, even to a dramatic degree. If one element is removed, the drop in performance is usually much worse than the decline in the element total would suggest. We now need one additional bit of information. For UHF the path length need change by only ten inches to turn addition into subtraction. So very rapidly the body has negative feedback countersignals from the central cellular control system, ordering the body to take actions to reduce the cellular need for oxygen. The metabolism is lowered, the body relaxes, and the appetite is suppressed; all counters to the cells’ hypoxia condition by lowering the cellular requirement for oxygen. In a sustained cellular hypoxia stress environment, the "do whatever is necessary to reduce oxygen usage" countersignals will continue to cumulate from successively deeper levels in the QP over an appreciable time. A current will be allowed to flow through the lightbulb, discharging the capacitor in a familiar manner, with discharge time governed by capacitance and the equivalent resistance of the driven device.

As the hypoxia stress in the cells continues, then much weaker but coherent countersignals that trigger deeper cellular adaptation actions eventually have time to cumulate past the quantum threshold to the observable state. From sustained cellular hypoxia there exists a slowly increasing precancerous state, even years before the outbreak of physical cancer. In other words, under sustained cellular hypoxia a countermeasures signal to the cells, ordering them to dedifferentiate back toward the anaerobic state, is slowly building in the personal quantum potential from a much weaker, lower level "under the common countersignals noise level" all the while. A variation of this circuit is called an envelope follower: in this case, the resistor and the capacitor are matched to form a low-pass filter that "masks out" a high-frequency carrier, but passes through a lower frequency envelope (in this use, no significant output loading is present). In short, low-level background EM radiation can also interact with the H­bonding of the hemoglobin to seriously lower its oxygen transport capability, just as any other contaminant.

In short, a deep signal is slowly cumulating that, when it emerges, will order the dedifferentiation of the affected cell back down the evolutionary road toward the anaerobe. If significant oxygen-deprivation continues for a sufficiently long time, this deep countersignal eventually emerges in Popp’s MCCS system in the personal QP, ordering the affected cells to dedifferentiate back toward their anaerobic state. These interfering potentials penetrate to the atomic nucleus in the body, and thus interact with the internal personal quantum potential utilized by the body in its deep cellular control. Note that the most stressed cells in the body automatically provided the greatest magnitude of "negative feedback input." Notice also that the feedback is a phase conjugate replica; it therefore "backtracks" its initiating stress input signal. These long-term antisignals thus contain a signal to reverse the original cumulative countersignals in the cellular species potential that caused the cells early ancestral anaerobic cells on earth to change (differentiate) into largely aerobic cells, after the earth’s atmosphere acquired significant amounts of oxygen.

These long-term cumulated antisignals come from much deeper, even from the species quantum potential itself. All of these chemical, mechanical, and electrical interactions in the cells can be affected and even engineered electrically. Again, we argue that the problem is electromagnetic in nature, and it can be "fixed" electromagnetically. The bottom line is that all chemical, mechanical, and electrical interactions are in fact electromagnetically caused. From the interferences in the body of multiple such potentials and their internal structures, there also are created gradient (force field) interactions upon the blood cells and the hemoglobin. An immediate oxygen-deprivation condition thus is created in the body. Further, by graviton interaction, a sustained, cumulated set of antisignals is also automatically generated in the personal quantum potential as a set of negative feedback signals to take corrective actions to alleviate the oxygen depletion condition. It follows that, when thrust into a truly dense signal environment, some exposed individuals may receive a "cumulative H-bonding interference dosage" that, when added to their existing prior dosage, is sufficient to result in physical symptoms "ordered" into the cells by the antisignals kindled in their quantum potentials. In the recent Gulf War, many Americans were suddenly thrust into one of the densest EM signals environment in history.

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